Thursday, June 29, 2017


Image result for highlighter on face here you have it, A HUGE trend that has taken over the makeup world n 2017. From high end to drugstore, they can be found everywhere. If you are looking to try out this trend, I recommend the Wet n Wild highlighters. Here is a diagram on where to apply it     

Image result for where to apply highlighter

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Bikini Season

It is now summer where I live and the older I have gotten the more I have paid attention to the world. not only has certain bathing suits became a trend but the idea of having a perfect "bikini body". Everyone wants to feel good about themselves on the beach or laying poolside, so why do we fall into these stereotypes that society forces on us? Why do we let what others think affect our views of ourselves. I am here now to tell you that you do not have o look a certain way to have qa "bikini body", all you have to do is put on a bikini and learn to love yourself and embrace the way you look. Whether that's your curves, freckles or scars. You only have one body and one life so you might as well love both while you still can.
                                                                    Teen Beauty

Thursday, March 2, 2017

I am back

So I know that I went MIA for a few years but I was wondering if anyone ever astill looked at this page or wished I wouldn't have stopped posting. If so leave a comment or like this. 
- The new and improved teen beauty 

Monday, June 17, 2013

Belly Button Rings

I'm so excited that it is finally summer!!! Next Saturday will be 6 weeks that I have had my belly button pierced!!!! That means that now I can officially change it and I got three new ones and they sorta match my bathing suits!!!! Well here they are and like this if you would like a post or a video of "All About My Belly Button Ring and Piercing". It would include how it felt, if it hurt and a scale of 1-10, and any questions yall may have, which you can leave in the comments!!!!
                                    Teen Beauty

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Belly button

I don't remember if I told you guys, but I got my belly button pierced!!!! I have had it almost 4 weeks to a month! Here is a picture

Teen Beauty

Sunday, June 2, 2013


This may be random but have any of you wondered what I actually look like?
  Teen Beauty

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Snake braid

Snake braid!!!! I love it Like for a tutorial.
Teen Beauty